TrueStar's TrueBASICS for Women

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TrueStar's TrueBASICS for Women offers a multivitamin and multimineral with Homocystrol©  and  other nutritional supplements in a 1 to 3-a-day combo-pack.  Just tuck 1 to 3 packages into your pocket or purse and you have your nutritional supplementation on hand and ready to go!

The nutrients in this product supplies the essential nutrients necessary for proper bone health, metabolic and cardiovascular health, as well as powerful antioxidants.  It also provides nutrients for detoxification and liver health

Its "Key ingredients" include Omega-3 essential fatty acids to for cardiovascular support, cognitive health and general health and well-being;  Vitamin E with mixed tocopherols for balanced antioxidant support;  Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3 for proper bone metabolism;  B vitamins and folic acid for proper metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein, as well as supporting heart health.

If you desire a convenient vitamin, mineral and trace element supplement due to suboptimal dietary intake, age and life style habits;  If you desire a comprehensive nutritional supplement formula, and want to supplement with additional vitamin, mineral and trace elements while on a weight loss program and to optimize their health  then TrueBASICS for Women is a consideration.

Dr. Dalrymple's Editorial

Studies have demonstrated that a high percentage of adults and children in North America eat less than the minimum daily allownce of ten or more essential nutrients.  This supplement has been developed to offer the right proportions of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.  

One of TrueBASICS for Women's components in the combo pack is TrueCal-Mag.  It provides a source of dietary calcium and other nutrients to assist in the maintenance of healthy bone structure and function.

Why?  The adult human contains approximately 1,200 grams of calcium, almost all of this is present in the skeleton.  Calcium absorption in the gut ranges from 15 to 75% of the calcium you eat, and Vitamin D is a key regulatory hormone for calcium and bone metabolism. So adequate vitamin D is essential for ensuring normal calcium absorption and the maintenance of healthy calcium plasma levels. 

The body also contains about 20-30 grams of magnesium with about 60% located in bone. Magnesium absorption ranges from 30 to 60% of the magnesium you eat. 

Bone constantly undergoes a process of formation and resorption. In children and adolescents the rate of formation of bone mineral predominates over the rate of resorption. Later in life resorption predominates over formation. Therefore, in normal aging there is a gradual loss of bone. 

Osteoporosis is a condition of reduced bone mineral density that can increase the risk of fractures.  It affects a large proportion of the elderly in developed countries. It is generally accepted that obtaining enough dietary calcium throughout life can help to decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis. Other factors are also necessary: activities such as regular exercise, one's gender and race, the amount of calcium supplementation during childhood and adolescence all appear to have an effect in maintaining adequate bone density. 

True EFA is also a component of the TrueBASICS for Women.  Typical diets in our "developed countries" contain large amounts of "saturated fatty acids" and "polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids," and decreased levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  Throughout the history of the human race our bodies have been accustomed to diets in a roughly 1 to 1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids.  It has only been in the last 200 years or so that this ratio has risen from a 1 to 1 ratio up to a 20 to 1, or even a 25 to 1 ratio.  

Now days we are trying to get down to a 10 to 1 ratio and shooting for a 4 to 1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids.  A healthy balance of dietary omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids appears to help support proper immune function and is also important in healthy cholesterol metabolism.  True EFA is a convenient source of the omega-3 fatty acids for those looking to bring the ratios of omega-6 to omega-3 consumption down to healthier levels.

TrueMixed E contains 100% natural, undesterified non-sythetic Vitamin E.  Vitamin E is actually four different fat-soluable natural compounds with similar chemical structures.  These "tocopherols" are termd alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol (this is just Greek for A-, B-, C-, and D-tocopherol).  Alpha-tocopherol has the highest nutritional activity.  Eight variations of alpha-tocopherol are possible and seven of these are less nutritional active and found only in synthetic Vitamin E.  

Vitamin E is one of the body's most important antioxidant nutrients.  Antioxidants serve to protect healthy cells from unstable chemical formed in the body during metabolism (free radicals), think of these as toxic waste products produced as your body "burns its fuel."  These "toxic wastes" can also be ingested or absorbed by the body straight from our environment--air pollution, cigarette smoke, and other souces in our environment.  

These free radicals are a normal part of our energy metabolism and immune function, but when too much "toxic waste" builds up it can start to poison the healthy cells.  This is not an exact scientific explanation but is a good analogy to help you get the idea.

Vitamin E is an especially valuabe antioxidant in the cell membranes where traps free radicals, helps stabilize and protect cell membranes and prevent the unsaturated fatty acids of the cells from breaking down into other chemicals.  This is especially helpful to the red blood cells and other tissues such as the lungs, eyes, liver and arteries that are sensitive to oxidation.  Vitamin E is also important for normal immune function.  

TrueBASICS for Women contains Homocystrol®.  Homosystrol contains significant amounts of vitamins B-6, B-12, and folic acid.  These nutrients are needed for the proper metabolism of homocysteine. 

High homocysteine in the blood is a major risk factor of cardiovascular disease. High plasma levels of homocysteine appear to injure the vasculature. Elevated homocysteine also appears to be increase the tendency for blood clots.

Homocysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is created in the body from methionine, an essential amino acid derived solely from dietary intake. Folic acid, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6 are necessary for the body to metabolize homocysteine. A deficiency or suboptimal levels of any of these essential vitamins will cause plasma homocysteine levels to rise. Dietary surveys and epidemiological studies indicate that below optimal levels of folic acid, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6 are common in many population groups. Elderly individuals, smokers, alcoholics, and users of many medications, including estrogens and popular medications for cholesterol and blood glucose control, are at risk for subclinical deficiencies of one or more of these B vitamins.

© Dr. chris g. dalrymple 2013